Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Whitehaven Wine Tastin-2

Name: Whitehaven
Variety: Sauvignon Blanc
Region: Marlborough
Country: New Zealand
Year: 2022
Price: $16.99

Winery Review: Aromas of passion fruit, sliced mangoes, fresh pineapple and thyme. Medium-bodied. Bright and tangy acidity, but has a flat finish. (James Suckling) - 89

Wine Folly Review: From page 165-166 of the book talks about sauvignon blanc wine in general. I taste the white peach in this wine as I do most sauvignon blancs. This wine does have a strong passionfruit flavor which is common for New Zealand wine. New Zealand wines are discussed on page 262-263 and sauvignon blanc are the most popular wine from this country. It is mentioned that residual sugar is not uncommon and I got that in this wine. 

My Personal Review: I personally really enjoy this wine. It has a fruity smell and has hints of passionfruit and peach in the taste. It is more upfront with a light finish and is medium-bodied. It is great on its own and is very smooth. This is also quite an acidic wine and is a dry white which I enjoy. 

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Wine & Dinner Night 2

Tonight I did my wine and dinner with food from West End Market on campus. The food I got was mashed potatoes, brussel sprouts, and london broil. The wines I tried were a J. Lohr cabernet sauvignon from Paso Robles in 2020, a boxed wine called Black Box that is also a cabernet sauvignon from chile in 2021, and a Meiomi pinot noir from California in 2021,. I was excited to compare the boxed wine with the bottled wine, especially cause the boxed wine is from chile which is one of my favorite wine regions. 

My dinner tonight from West End Market

This is my first wine a cabernet sauvignon from 2020 and Paso Robles. On its own I taste black cherry and baking spices. I also believe I taste blackberries. It is very strong up front with bold flavors and a smooth finish. It is a good wine on its own. The first food I tried it with is the mashed potatoes. This was different than I expected. The creamy texture of the mashed potatoes worked well together. The pepper notes in the mashed potatoes brings out the baking spices in the wine as well as the tannic levels. Next I tried it with the brussel sprouts. These brought up the tannic levels too much. This made the wine less enjoyable and was not the best pairing in my opinion. Lastly was the london broil was very enjoyable and my favorite pairing. The meat brought out the acidity and spices in the wine and the wine made the meat more tender. I would recommend this cabernet sauvignon for red wine.

The first wine, a cabernet sauvignon

Next I wanted to try the boxed wine since it is the same varietal as the bottled wine I tried right before. To note before trying the wine was it was signifyingly cheaper than the half bottles and it is 500mL which is three glasses. I also poured this wine into a wine glass to get the full taste. On its own it has a less strong smell than the bottle one. I taste a lot of baking spices and strong black cherry, blackberry and fig. This one is a lot fruitier and slightly sweeter. First I tried it with the mashed potatoes and it brings out the tannic flavor but less than the other cabernet sauvignon. It again brings out the baking spices but even more importantly it brings out some potatoes flavors in the food. Next was the brussel sprouts which brings out the acidity in the wine to an enjoyable level. The wine brings out the charred flavor in the brussel sprouts as well. Lastly was the london broil. I think the tannic levels in the wine are brought out more than the glass bottle. Again it is a very enjoyable combination and the meat tastes a lot tender when combined with the wine 
Boxed cabernet sauvignon

The last wine I tried was a pinot noir from California. On its own its not very tannic but it is acidic and has strong plum. It is very sweet and has a lot of fruit tastes including raspberry and cherry as well. Honestly, it is a little too sweet to drink on its own. First I tried this wine with the mashed potatoes. The mashed potatoes also bring out the spices in the wine which are cloves. I also taste the mushroom like Wine Folly suggest. Next I tried this wine with the brussel sprouts. The brussel sprouts work the best with this wine. The sweeter levels to start in this wine work well with this vegetable and its brings out the natural flavors in the brussel sprouts. The lodon broil was last. This wine also made the meat more tender but to a lesser extent. This meat had the most improvement on the wine though. It brought the tannic and acidic levels higher and the sweetness levels down. I prefer wines that are less sweet so I enjoyed this combination the most. 

My third wine, a pinot noir

Overall this was a cool experience. I enjoyed repeating it with different wines although doing alone is not as fun or interesting. It is nice to hear others opinions whether they are experienced like my parents or less experienced than I in drinking like my boyfriend. It was fun to also try the half bottles and the boxed wine. I was surprised by the quality and quantity for a fraction of the price. Below are the pictures of me with each of the wine bottles. 

The first wine a cabernet sauvignon in a glass bottle
The second wine also a cabernet sauvignon which is boxed
The third wine, a pinot noir

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Wine & Cheese Night 2

 While on a ski trip with my parents I did my second wine & cheese night. It was interesting doing it with experienced drinkers and comparing their insights with mine. 

To the left are the three cheese and crackers I paired the wines with. The top cheese is a brie. This is my favorite cheese alone and has a very creamy texture and taste. However, with the wines I found this the worst cheese as its taste was not complimentary. The bottom left cheese is a gouda. I did use a gouda in the last pairing but this one was richer in flavor making it more salty and have bolder flavors. It paired differently than the other one due to this. The last cheese is on the bottom left and is a cheddar. This cheddar was not as sharp as the last one. The crackers were a trisket and carr. I used the carr crackers for the tasting only as they have a more neutral pallet. The triskets have a high salt content which can change the tastes of the wine. 

The cheese & cracker set up

The first of the wines was a Rombauer sauvignon blanc. This wine is much nicer and more expensive than what I usually taste. Perks of doing this with my parents. On its own I got very strong peach flavors. This is the strongest notes of peach I have gotten in any wine I have tried. Overall the wine was also fruity and very upfront. The wines flavor was like a punch in the beginning and then faded. The first cheese I tried it with is the cheddar. The sharpness of this cheese cut the fruity flavor and brought out the acidity of the wine. The wine also mellows out the sharpness of the cheddar itself. This was a very enjoyable combo and my favorite of all the cheeses with this wine. The second one I tried was the brie. The creamy texture mixed well with the wine, however, the cheese made the wine very tart and I do not believe the two complemented each other well. The last pairing was with the gouda. I also enjoyed this one. The cheese itself became less subtle and brings out nutty flavors of the wine. The gouda also brings out the acidity and some slight tartness but not to the same level as the brie. 

   The first wine, a sauvignon blanc

This second wine was also very nice and around $60. It was a Silverado vineyards cabernet sauvignon. On its own it was extremely smooth, and probably the smoothest wine I have tasted. It was not as tannic as I expected and this flavor was not overpowering. It was actually the perfect amount of tannic for my pallet. The wine was also slightly acidic and had a nice smooth finish. With the first cheese, the cheddar, it became less of a bold wine. There was less interaction between the two than other pairings. This wine also cut the sharpness of the cheddar and made the cheese creamier. The cheddar cut the wines flavor almost completely. The next cheese was again the brie. This combo again had a good texture match and worked together better than the sauvignon blanc. The brie brought out more of the tannic flavor of the wine and made it bolder. Next was the gouda. The sharpness of the gouda brought out the acidity of this wine which was enjoyable. I believe it was the saltiness of the cheese that did this. Overall, the brie was the best combo and brought out the best notes and tannic levels in the wine.
Silverado vineyards cabernet sauvignon

The last wine I tried was the Calera Pinot Noir. This was a very enjoyable wine overall. On its own it had a sweet smell with hints of grape. It was slightly tannic and acidic as well as sweet. It was also smooth although not as smooth as the second wine I tried. With the cheddar it works together and has nice sharpness. Again the sharpness of the cheddar is cut by the wines flavors. For this wine the acidity is increased as well as the tannic flavors but not as much. The next pairing was the brie. The texture was again a match. As well, it brought out the fruit flavors in the wine making it more fruit forward. It also raised the tannic and acidity of the wine. Next was the gouda and this wine brought out some sharpness in this cheese. The nutty and salty notes of the cheese complemented this wine extremely well. On that point, the nutty and fruity notes of the wine were brought out in this combo. Overall, this wine does not lose its flavor with any of the cheese combinations. 

Calera pinot noir, the third wine

Overall, this was a very enjoyable experience and I got more insight in doing it with my parents and hearing their opinions as experienced wine drinkers. In most of the pairings the cheddar became less sharp and brought out the acidity of the wine. The brie is more of a neutral tasting and the gouda brings out the nutty flavors in the wines. I think I enjoyed the gouda the most of all the cheeses and the cabernet sauvignon the most of the wines. Although this was close with the pinot noir. In this case I think the white wine paired the worst of the wines which is interesting as fruity notes in most whites go well with cheeses. I will continue to expand my pallet and gain knowledge as I continue to do activities like this.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Martin's Rake

Name: Martin's Rake
Variety: Sauvignon Blanc
Region: Marlborough
Country: New Zealand
Year: 2022
Price: $12.99

Winery Review: Nicely done from the start, beginning with hints of stuck flint and going through some honeyed tree fruit and citrus flavors. It's a touch creamy on the midpalate, imparting some extra richness, before fading a little abruptly on the finish. (Joe Czerwinski) - 89

Wine Folly ReviewPage 165- 166 of the book talks about Sauvignon Blanc and mentions the flavors of honeydew, grapefruit and white peach which I all taste. I especially smell the grapefruit. New Zealand is included on page 166 and it mentions more ripe pear and kiwi. On these pages passionfruit and gooseberry which I do not taste. On page 262-263 New Zealand wine is specifically talked about. More than half the wine from this country is Sauvignon Blanc and more than half is from Marlborough.

My Personal Review: I really enjoyed this wine. This is one of my favorite Sauvignon Blanc that I have tried. When smelling the wine I get strong notes of peach and grapefruit. The other flavors I get when I am tasting are pear and kiwi. This wine is also acidic which I enjoy. I tried it first with my dinner which was tortellini with an artichoke sauce. The two complemented each other well. Overall, I enjoy the wine and the acidity of it.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Clos du Bois Chardonnay

 Clos du Bois
Variety: 100% Chardonnay
Region: California
Country: United States
Year: 2021
Price: $9.99

Winery Review: Enticing aromas of toasted peanuts and buttered popcorn lead to fresh apple and pear flavors nicely accented by vanilla and caramel notes. This medium - to full - bodied wine has lots of personality in a buttery style (Jim Gordon) - 90

Wine Folly Review: Page 96-97 in the book describes chardonnay as having hints of butter, pineapple and yellow apple which I taste. It also said hints of starfruit and vanilla which I did not find present in the wine. California chardonnays have more hints of yellow apple and pineapple than most as well as lemon zest and pie crust which I also taste in the wine. I definitely did not get nutmeg. On page 288 California chardonnays are described as having hints of caramel and creme brulee which I also got hints of. 

Personal Review: I was not the biggest fan of this wine, but chardonnays are not one of my favorite wine grapes. Overall I am getting more hints of flavor than I usually get in a wine. I am mainly getting apples, pineapples and a buttery texture. The smell of this wine does not go along with the flavors. The smell is more tangy and has hints of broccoli. This wine is better when drinking as my first instead of drinking after a sauvignon blanc. Overall, this wine was okay but not amazing in my personal taste.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc


Name: Oyster Bay 
Variety: 100% Sauvignon Blanc
Region: Marlborough
Country: New Zealand
Year: 2022
Price: $11.99

Winery Review: A pure nose of guava, gooseberries, lime and a grassy character. Fresh and bright with high-toned acidity in a texture palate with a mouthwatering finish. Simple, but tangy and delicious. Drink Now (James Suckling) - 90

Wine Folly Review: Page 262-263 talks about New Zealand wine with Sauvignon Blanc being about half the wine produced and Marlborough talking about half of the acres of vineyards in the country. The book mentions the high acidity which I tasted as well as residual sugar which I did note on my glass while drinking. Passion fruit was also mentioned which I did not taste. On pages 165-166 Sauvignon Blanc wines in general are
discussed. I tasted notes of peach, kiwi and ripe pear but not passionfruit and pea shoot.

Personal Review: I really enjoyed this wine and it had an excellent flavor profile. Guava was mentioned in the winery review and I tasted that in this wine. I also tasted peach, kiwi, and ripe pear, but I especially liked the flavor profile from the guava. I appreciated the high acidity present and tartness to the wine. This was interesting because I noticed residual sugar in my glass. The temperature of the wine also made it crisper. Overall, this was a very enjoyable acidic white wine. 

I drank this wine at a cold temperature and without food. 

Friday, February 17, 2023

Wine & Cheese Night

 This Wednesday I went over to my friends place with a bottle wine, 3 cheeses, and some crackers and had a great time trying out all the combinations. 

These are the three cheeses I paired all of the wines with. The one on the left is a garlic goat cheese. It was very creamy but was had a bit too much of a garlic flavor to pair well with the wines. In the future I would do an unflavored goat cheese as it would pair better. Without the wine it was my least flavor cheese as the garlic was a bit overpowering on its own as well. The bottom right is a Vermont cheddar. I enjoyed this cheese and it was very interesting paired with the wines. On the top is the Gouda and it was my favorite cheese. Without the wine it was a more mellow flavor than the other two cheese and had hints of nutty flavors.

The three cheeses that were paired with the wines

The first of the wines was a Bay Bridge Strawberry Moscato. Obviously this had a strong taste of strawberry but I also tasted oranges, mandarins, and lemongrass. Overall this wine was very fruity. My personal preference is drier wines so the fruit was too much for my liking. This worked well with the creaminess of the goat cheese but clashed with the garlic flavor as it was overpowering the wine. I believe the garlic would have complemented the wine well if it was not so strong in the cheese. The next was the cheddar which was not the best with this wine. The cheddar created a tangy flavor when mixed with the fruitiness of the wine. The last cheese I was surprised by as I enjoyed the gouda with the Moscato. The cheese mellowed out the fruitiness of the wine and the wine brought out the nutty flavors in the gouda. The gouda was a bit creamy too which was a good mixture of texture. I would definitely have that combo again.

Bay Bridge Strawberry Moscato wine

The second wine I tried was a Sauvignon Blanc which is usually my preference as I like drier wines. I tasted honey, lemongrass and a strong sense of white peach in this wine. This was an overall enjoyable wine and on its own my favorite of the three. For the goat cheese the garlic made the wine extremely bitter and was not a good pairing. The creaminess of this cheese also did not work as well with this wine as the sweeter ones. For the cheddar the contrast between the sharpness of the cheese and acidity of the wine worked well. It enhanced both flavors without making them too strong and overpowering. The gouda was again my favorite cheese pairing with the wine. The slightly softer texture works in unison with the wine. As well the cheese was sweeter which worked with the acidity and bitterness of this white wine. This wine also brought out the caramel in the cheese with the honey flavors in the wine. 

The second wine, a Sauvignon Blanc

The last wine was a winking owl white zinfandel. Winking owl is a great brand for cheap wines as the run around $4. This wine was also sweet and I tasted hints of strawberry, peach and blackberry. I enjoyed this wine more than the strawberry Moscato as it was less sweet and fruity. This zinfandel was also smoky and had hints of hickory. For the goat cheese the garlic worked a bit better with the fruit presence in this wine over the others.  But the garlic was still overpowering. For the cheddar the sweetness, hints of blackberry and acidity cut the sharpness of the cherry more than the others. This wine was the best pairing with the cheddar in my opinion.  The tangy fruit flavors worked in this combo. Again this wine paired best with the gouda. The smoky and hickory in this wine worked in unison with the gouda again bringing out the nutty flavors of the gouda. And the texture combo was again a winner with the two. 

The final wine, a white zinfandel

Overall, this was an amazing experience that taught me a lot about wines. I enjoyed the Sauvignon Blanc on its own the best but thought the white zinfandel paired the best with the cheeses. This was surprising because I usually enjoy dry wines the best. As well, I enjoyed the gouda the best of the cheeses with the wine. When I do this again I have good insight to picking better pairings and learning more about my personal preferences. 

Whitehaven Wine Tastin-2

Name:  Whitehaven Variety:  Sauvignon Blanc Region:  Marlborough Country:  New Zealand Year:  2022 Price:  $16.99 Winery Review: Aromas of p...